Tuesday, May 6, 2008

In Bloom

So spring has finally started to show itself here in Papillion. The weather has been absolutely beautiful the past week and all the trees have been getting their leaves back and all the flowers are starting to bloom.

I decided to go out today and take some pictures. I didn't realize how many flowering trees/bushes we have in and around our yard!! When I got here in July, most of the flowers were already long gone. Also, the smell in our backyard is amazing (an allergist's nightmare! lol) ...all the flowers create the most beautiful aroma!

Here are some of the pix I took (don't mind the blurriness ...my camera sucks at close-ups):

The lilac bush near our deck ...I can't wait till all the flowers bloom!!
A couple of the flowering trees in our neighbor's yards (far away, then close-up, then the white flowering tree)
Then, as I walked over to Marklar (Pam's dog who we've been pet-sitting while she went on vacation) to take his picture, I got a big surprise!! Right next to our rose bush (which hasn't bloomed yet, and I can't wait for it!!) were these beauties:
I have no idea what kind of flower they are ...they almost look like tulips ...but wow! They are so pretty!! I want to snip them and make a flower arrangement! lol ^.^ But there's only about 6 or 7 of them total, so my pictures of them will have to suffice. If anyone can help me identify my new favorite flower, I'd appreciate it!!

Ahhh ...I look forward to more of spring's surprises. =D Who knows what else could be growing?

1 comment:

Kydanty said...

They are gorgeous miss Jessa, and yes those are definately Tulips. My MaMaw plants them every year. The kewl part about them is they will actually close up every night.

By the way Akyna says <3 ans that see wants a flower, lol. She kept trying to smell my monitor.