Thursday, November 6, 2008

Being Thankful

I got this idea from Jen's (aka Monty) blog and I hope she doesn't mind me using it! On my sidebar I am adding a "I am thankful for..." list for this month and each day I will add something 'new' that I am thankful for.

Thanksgiving has always been a wonderful time. When I was younger, living in Florida, my aunts, uncles, and cousins would fly or drive in from New Jersey and California to gather at my grandparents' house for Turkey Day. It was always filled with a lot of warm memories and tons of fun!

Like Monty's post mentioned ...many people "skip over" Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas. I can't tell you how true this is. Just this last weekend ...the first couple days of November ...I was driving through the neighborhood and what did I see?? A couple outside their house hanging up Christmas lights. Seriously?! At least wait until December, people!!

So make sure you don't skip over Turkey Day. Be thankful for at least one thing in your life and celebrate it with your friends and family!

1 comment:

M said...

I actually {LURVE} that you stole it! Glad I have another fellow Turkey Day lover!

Cute list!