Thursday, November 6, 2008

Clearances, Thrift Stores, and FreeCycle ... Oh My!! (Now with Pix!)

So yesterday I got a free $10 gift card in the mail from Kohl's. I had gotten one back in September, but never ended up using it (I just couldn't find anything I *really* loved). Well, today I went back, figuring if I couldn't find a cute maternity shirt on sale that I would browse their baby section.

I ended up with *two* adorable baby outfits (which I will post pics of as soon as I'm not on the library computer!). One says "Mommy's Monster" and the other says "What happens at Grandma's house, stays at Grandma's house". I thought my Mom, aka "Grams", would get a kick out of that.

So for two brand new outfits I payed just over $10! Woot! Add that to the outfit I bought at the thrift store last week and I've gotten three outfits for Jaiden for under $15.

Also, I posted a "Want Ad" on my Yahoo! FreeCycle group asking for baby items. I got an email this morning from a mother of three boys who has bags and boxes full of stuff that she's not going to use anymore (her youngest is two and she said she's done!). So, tomorrow, I'll be getting lots more stuff for free!! This woman is the reason I added 'generous people' to my list of things to be thankful for. It is selfless, charitable people that really make this world a great place. I hope to one day be able to donate all my children's 'old' items to a new, first-time mommy like me!!

Okay, so I've been holding all that in since I left the house a few hours ago. And since I had my weekly library trip today after my doctor's appointment, I thought I'd 'splurge' while I was here! lol When I get home in a little bit, I'll post pics to this thread and add another about my doctor's appointment. Till then...

**Pictures!!** Here they are. =D